circe natuurgeneeskunde

Is your physician environmentally friendly?

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The green revolution is part of the ongoing movement towards living with our planet, instead of only on our planet. The issues that the following generations are facing are tremendous. Rising sea levels, continuing pollution of our seas and our skies and an ever expanding amount of junk as a result of plastic packaging and over consumerism. There are ways however how you can contribute to living in a better environment on our planet. Granted, it won’t be a work changing event or anything substantial, but it is important for everyone to contribute. If all the initiatives people take are added together, we can finally see some changes in the world. In this article, we would like to shed some light on how physicians and medical practitioners use environmentally friendly tools and medicine in order to be less of a burden on our environment.

Energy usage

There are various tools and equipment that your doctor might need to use in order to diagnose and treat you. Even though medical science has developed a lot in the last decades, there are still some tasks that a physician does the old fashioned way. Think about the visual inspection or the auditory diagnosis. Both are done with fairly rudimentary tools that have been used for quite a number of centuries. These tools of the trade are usually analogue and do not require energy in order to function. This means that a lot of the diagnoses, treatments and actions that physicians, surgeons and other medical professionals execute, are often pretty much carbon neutral.

Online appointments

Nowadays almost everyone is able to reach and contact any business or government department online. Especially since the COVID-19 epidemic, we have seen an enormous rise in the amount of remote working locations and online contact and interaction. This is a great way to limit the amount of traffic which is a large contributor to the expulsion of greenhouse gasses.

Lastly, we would like to take the opportunity to inform you about This is a non-profit organization which is working towards building a sustainable and more ecologically viable world for us and our children and grandchildren. Take a look at their website to find more information about their initiatives.

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